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The Nurturing Programme with Islamic Values: Evaluation Report 2016

Family Links The Nurturing Programme with Islamic Values Final Report 2016 front cover. the Family Links logo is at the top of the page, underneath is an image of a Muslim mother holding her son in the air. Both are smiling happily.
Click to download full report

The Nurturing Programme with Islamic Values is a 10-week programme that improves the emotional health of both adults and children and strengthens family relationships. It also considers the links between parenting and Islam, bringing together Islamic religious teaching with the Nurturing Programme.

This report evaluates the impact and reach of the programme between November 2015 and February 2016.

Key findings include 88% of parents attending the programme reporting positive changes on the Protective Factors Scale, with average scores increasing by 24% by the end of the programme.

The programme was also shown to be well received, with all participants who responded saying they would recommend the course to other Muslim parents.

More than half of the participants said they would have been much less likely to have attended a parenting programme that did not incorporate Islamic Values, suggesting they would have been harder to reach with a mainstream programme.

If you would like more information about our Parent Group Leader training with Islamic Values, click here.


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